Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 4 - Times & Seasons

Acts 1:7 - And again he said unto them, "It is not for you to know the times and seasons which the Father has committed to His own power."

In our society there is the potential for information overload. While humanity once had to wait for the morning newspaper's headlines, today's news is reported in seconds via the advances in modern day technology.

I must admit I may be addicted to information. My iPhone has spoiled me beyond measure. Instantly I can gather world news, sports info, and the weather with just the push of a button. Technology has made information convenient. However, when dealing with God I have found info doesn't always come at the pace we would prefer. Instead we are told through Scripture that we will not know the day or hour when Jesus comes. We are even commanded to not lean to our own understanding when reflecting on the mysterious ways of our God.

Ecclesiastes says there is a time and a season for everything--this much we know. However, seasons are not always easily predictable with God. Many times God's plan is so different than our own that we simply must patiently, obediently do what heaven asks of us at the moment without possessing complete knowledge of why we are doing it.

The disciples were told point-blank in the Scripture above that they would not be given the info they requested. Instead they would simply have to leave it to the Father. May God grant us the grace to do the same. It will not always be easy to go on without the covenience of full understanding but if we can simply learn to take God at his word the impossible can become possible.

Medical studies may not be able to bring reason to it, economic reviews may fail comprehend it, and we ourselves may never be able to even explain what we experience, but God has never been late. He is always right on time, even when we don't understand how to read heaven's clock...

My Prayer:

Father help me to trust your timing. Enable me to wait on your presence even when I don't understand your choice of seasons for my life. May I never fail to give you glory as your plan consistenly overshadows my own agenda and defeats the enemy's plot to destroy me. You are an eternal God who operates outside the boundaries of time and my mind will never be able to completely comprehend that truth, so I will by your grace not lean to my own understanding but will instead trust your timing. In Jesus name, Amen.

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