Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 21 - Everyday

Acts 2:46 - And EVERYDAY they continued to meet together in the temple...

Many people struggle to go to church one morning a week. Imagine this: EVERYDAY the early Church believers met in the temple for the purpose of prayer and praise.

This morning I witnessed a young teenage girl, who is recovering from an accident, attend church with 500 stitches in the temple region of her head. She had every excuse to stay home and yet she refused to abstain from assembling together with her friends to praise God.

When you're feeling like a drag on Sunday remember that EVERYDAY the apostles went to the temple! And if that doesnt encourage you, then know that a young lady has raised the bar high on a hillside in Russell Springs as she overcame a horrible wreck (and so many stitches that the doctor stopped counting), so that she could be faithful in gathering to corporately worship our God.

Regardless, of what is going on in our lives more often than not we can spare at least one morning a week to gather together.

I believe as you commit yourself to Sunday morning attendance it will so encourage you that you will find yourself also regularly showing up on Sunday nights and even Thursday nights!

Join us Sundays @ 9am, 11am and/or 6:30pm and don't forget the Thursday night 7pm service...

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