Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 20 - All Things Common

Acts 2:44-45 - And all that believed were together, AND HAD ALL THINGS COMMON; 45)And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, AS EVERY MAN HAD NEED.

It is no wonder that the apostles had such power in the Spirit. Not only does the Book of Acts consistently testify of their unity in the faith in Acts 2:44-45 it points out that they also shared ownership of their possessions.

AS EVERY MAN HAD NEED, they would come together and do whatever the situation called for to see the need resolved--and to that all I can say is Wow!

It seems almost unfathomable that the families of the apostles and their followers had such degree of unity that were willing to sale their own valued possessions to meet a need in someone else's life. It is one thing to give money or an occasional gift, but to sale your possessions to make it possible to meet an otherwise impossible need is something only the Spirit of God can birth in our hearts!

My Prayer:

Father, bring a level of compassion to my heart that can only be described as heavenly in nature. May my heart melt like wax at the knowledge of a need! In Jesus name, Amen.

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