Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 13 - Be Seated

Acts 2:2 - "and it (the Holy Spirit) filled all the house where they were SITTING.

I struggle to fathom it... The greatest outpouring of God's Spirit, up to that point in history, transpired while the people present were SITTING down!

I undoubtedly have ADD and, as a result, I don't sit very well. It seems I am always on the move. I struggle to even enjoy meals at times because I am so focused on where I'm going next.

Because of my innate tendency to be focused on going, it becomes very easy for me to fall into the trap of always thinking that I have to be doing something in order to qualify myself for the blessing of God. However, Acts 2:2 sheds a truthful light on the act receiving from God as it brilliantly makes evident: sometimes the best thing you can DO is to BE SEATED!

Contemplate this: In this book labeled ACTS of the Apostles, the greatest blessing it records to have been received by the people of its pages came when they were in the ACT of SITTING...

So, to all of my ADD counter-parts, receive this exhortation from the word of God to simply sit down and receive from the Holy Spirit. Grab your Bible, find a private place, and with a worshipful spirit give your mind to prayer and SIT before the Lord.

It doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with being busy, it just means that sometimes we miss our opportunity to receive from heaven because we have not been in a posture that is condusive to giving God our full attention. May we never allow work FOR God to supplement worship offered TO God...

My Prayer:

Father, help me to sit down and receive from you. Forgive me for having been so focused on working for you, that too often I have failed to properly offer worship to you. I pledge to find a place today where I may BE SEATED in prayer for an extended period of time, that I may freshly receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

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