Monday, January 4, 2010

Day One - Seeing Jesus

Acts 1:3 - To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

During the 40 days of corporate fasting at HPC I am going to attempt to post multiple times each week as we walk through the Book of Acts.

As we put a special emphasis on prayer and fasting our most specific prayer directive is that the Holy Spirit would: come upon us, empower us, and overshadow us. It might also be safe to say that we as people of God are desperate for the Holy Spirit to bring His baptism of fire to our lives.

A further subject of prayer would be that our ambitions melt before the presence of the Lord as we embrace Christ's will for our lives. May His Kingdom come to our earthen hearts and be established forever.

Acts 1:3 points out that after Jesus' resurrection from the dead he was with the disciples "being seen of them 40 days..." It is my prayer that this truth will inspire you to pray for yourself and our church that we will see Jesus in an infallible way during this special 40 day season of prayer and fasting. May we see Jesus during the next few days as never before, so that this period of time will set the tone for the rest of our lives!

We are asking that at least 80 people would commit to fast one day during this 40 day period. This would allow us to have two people fasting each day. With the hundreds of people who attend HPC, this should be an easy goal. One important note is that while we would like to have record of at least two people fasting each day, you do not have to be on the calendar to fast. Simply allow God to lead you.

We ask that on the day you fast you replace your regular meal times with prayer and Bible study as you use the prayer directives listed above. I would also encourage you to use the A.C.T.S. prayer method for extended prayer. A - adoration C - confession T - thanksgiving S - supplication

In other words walk through these steps during your prayer time. Start by stating your adoration for the Father, confess your sins, thank the Father for forgiveness and the blessings he has bestowed upon your life, and then close with prayers of supplication or petitition--don't be afraid to ask God to move on your behalf. (I do not share A.C.T.S. to bring legalism to your prayer life but rather to help those of you who struggle with extended prayer times. If you don't need this method then don't use it.)

This is going to be a great 40 days. We will never be the same!

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