Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 22 - Favor Ain't Fair

Acts 2:47 - Praising God and enjoying the FAVOR OF ALL PEOPLE...

TD Jakes famously once preached, "Favor ain't fair!"

Unfortunately, I can't break it down quite like Bishop Jakes, but I can make you this promise via my Scriptural understanding: FAVOR STILL AIN'T FAIR!

It's that simple and it is settled.

When God opens a door for you that no man can close, it can and most-likely will catapult you to the front of life's lines.

Acts 2:47, lays a foundation for the fact that promotions others may have been waiting for, can suddenly belong to you simply because you were faithful in your praise to God! I.E. - Daniel, Darius, and the Lion's Den....

Our Heavenly Father will raise up whom he will and cast down whom he will, and there is nothing the systems of the world can do to destroy his agenda.

If God be for you, then no one can effectively be against you. Isaiah said, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." In other words, "It doesn't mean the enemy can't form a weapon, it just means that if he does, in the end it can not harm you."

It seems that favor can in essence remove the ammunition from hell's weaponry.

Daniel was attacked by manipulative peers, but then he found favor with the king. He may have not had favor with everyone, but he found it with the one person who mattered most.

Which leads us to this disclaimer: The act of possessing favor doesn't mean that if you praise God and gain it you will have reached a place where no one will ever choose to not like you. Instead, to have the favor of God at work in your life simply means that while some people will never like you, it will always cause the people who need to show you favor, to do just that.

Keep praising God and watch him place his FAVOR on your life!

Remember it this way, as the praises go up, the favor comes down, and you will wear it like a mantle as: doors open, influence is gained, and blessings follow you.

NOTE: It is important to add that sometimes favor doesn't show up on earth and believers are martyred. The amazing thing about such an occurrence is that God will then show them favor in heaven and their reward will be greater than anyone else's for all of eternity! (Reference Hebrews 11.)

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