Thursday, December 31, 2009
Leave 'IT' Behind and Begin Again
I learned much and was changed in many ways. I saw the beginning of dreams birthed and long-held visions cast. However, I have walked out of 2009 and I am preparing to walk into 2010 with two principles in hand:
1) There are some things that I will leave behind in 2009
2) There are some things I will begin again in 2010
I challenge you to do the same as you reflect on 2009 and expectantly contemplate the year to come...
Everyone has an 'IT'. You don't even want to reference it by name but IT is a constant struggle. Often you think about how you can seemingly defeat every vice but IT. 2009 is your year to leave it behind!
Likewise, there are some things you know God had pricked your heart about. He has spoken clearly to you, that you need to be disciplined in specific areas, but you have faltered. You are no longer dedicated in those areas of your spiritual journey. I believe 2010 is your year to begin again, should you choose to take the initiative!
Leave IT behind in 2009 and Begin again in 2010!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Real Christmas Tree
To me this truth makes the story of Christmas all the more fascinating. Father God, conceived his son in the womb of a virgin and birthed him into earth as an infant. We know he gave his son in unprecedented fashion on the cross, but he first gave him to the cradle. What must the moment of Christmas have been like in heaven? The Father had to be accutely aware, not so much of how his son would enter earth, but how he would exit it. He released him into swaddling clothes but he would not receive him back until he had been wrapped in grave clothes.
This leads me to one conclusion: the real Christmas tree is not a beautiful evergreen, adorned with ornaments and tinsel, under-laid with gifts. Instead, the real Christmas tree was made of two rugged timbers. It's tinsel was the red blood of Jesus, there was no star on top of it, just a crown of thorns and a derogatory sign of ridicule. This tree's ornaments were not shiny balls glittering with gold and silver, but rather three long, most-likely rusty nails. There was no present under the tree instead the present was on the tree--Jesus himself, the son of God, giving the greatest gift a man could ever give: 'to lay down his life for another...'
Thank God the Father this year for The Real Christmas Tree... Without the hope it brings, we have no Reason for the Season!
Change--The Pathway through Transition
I'm not settled in certainty as to how the next ten years will play out for the United States of America but I do have clear direction that changes are in store for Higher Praise Church--and that is not a campaign promise it is an unction from God.
I can't escape it... Change is inevitable. We are not who we once were. As a fellowship of believers our purpose has been re-directed for the better and now that change must be communicated directly and effectively to our community.
Its not yet 2010 and already several elements of transition have been put into play behind the scenes. April 2010, will mark a pivotal moment for us as we move into the new facility and I believe it is imperative that we not wait until then to make changes, but rather we must make preparation now.
Be forewarned that change is not always fun and it's definitely not always easy. It could also be said that change is not necessarily always for the better. These truths alone lead me to ere on the side of caution. We will not make changes simply for the sake of doing something different. We have been and will continue to seek God's will and follow His leading. The result will then have no choice but to be productive as we embrace the reality that sometimes change is as simple as exerting the uncomfortable effort of casting your nets on the other side of the boat. It may not even seem that much different but the truth is, that in such moments, man's good idea is replaced by a God idea. It's amazing to me how a simple act of obedience can open up the realm of the supernatural--especially in the area of provision.
Buckle up! We are about to take the ride of our lives as we trailblaze a path into the unknown. It will feel risky at times, but if God be for you, then who can be against you?
Through the wilderness of transition, we will travel the pathway of change in the vehicle of radical obedience, fueled by recognition of the purpose our Heavenly Father has designed us to accomplish...
I can't wait to see the other side!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wow! What a Response...
Thank you for finding needs and meeting them!!!
You are awesome!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
GO Teams Christmas List

We will be sending items to homes in Russell county, as well as to Green County middle school students, the homeless in Louisville and New Jersey, and even to the down-trodden areas of Mexico... Its an exciting time!
We appreciate and need your help to make this happen. We are far from our goal and we only have two days left to collect items. Please click the link below and print off the list of requested items, then head to the store and help us put a smile on some kids' faces this Christmas! :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Contemporary but Uncompromised
It seems there is an increasing level of division in Christianity as many churches which are classified as contemporary typically attempt to be very politicially correct and unconfrontational on the subject of sin. On the other hand, churches that maintain an uncompromised Word are many times seemingly very resistant to any type of change in their style of ministry.
This much I know: God's character is the same yesterday, today, and forever; but His methods never cease to change.
My goal as the pastor of HPC has been to communicate the vision for a church environment where the atmosphere of everything we do is very simple, down-to-earth, real, relevant, uncompromised, and at the same time accomplished with excellence. The ultimate goal being to create a contemporary church that honors it's heritage and never fails to declare the uncompromised Truth in love. May God grant us the grace to see it through...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Family Ties
In December 2007, on the eve of our seven-year anniversary, Mandy and I almost lost our marriage. While the disaster only lasted for a short time it was one of the worst seasons of my life. She would say the same.
We recovered through time, but only because one word from God saved us, "dating brought you together and dating will keep you together". Neither of us had a moral failure, but she was a stay-at-home mom dealing with two kids under the age of two and I was traveling all over the nation preaching. I was customarily gone over 100 nights a year. In 2002-2003 I was gone nearly 500 nights in a 48 month span. Not to mention, that when I was in town I was visiting or meeting with members of our congregation each evening.
My life had been so dedicated to ministry that I forgot my most significant assignment which is to 'lead' my home. I had instead made a decision to 'leave' my home and my zeal for the cause of Christ had become a religious excuse to validate my incompetence as a husband and father.
Adam and Eve were a match made in heaven and yet they still had problems. Every marriage will experience difficulty at the best you can do. However, Mandy and I realized we had to make significant changes. We started by embracing the truth that if I were to garner testimonies all over the world and lose the testimony of a strong marriage and family, the latter would significantly diminish, if not completely cancel out, the former. We honestly believe we had to break-down in order to breakthrough. The end-result is that we learned a lot about each other and marriage.
We now have a day completely reserved for each other every week. Our children are not allowed to sleep in our bed, unless they are sick. We randomly surprise each other with gifts and we send love notes back and forth through various mediums of technology. The result has been amazing. We are the happiest we have ever been with each other. Sexually, emotionally, and financially our marriage is stronger than it was even in our first year together.
This much I have learned... Sometimes, the most spiritual thing you can do as a lead pastor on a Sunday morning is to take your family to a water park. Don't believe me? Let me give you some statistics. The first six years of HPC's existence I only missed four Sundays total--that is out of 200 Sundays I was only absent at four of them. The church grew to 165 people in that time period. In the last three years I have missed over 15 Sundays and we now have an attendance of over 400. HPC still has a long way to go to reach our statistical goals, but it is not by accident that when I made a shift to make and take time for my family, the growth-rate accelerated.
I have attempted to be strategic about when I leave. For instance, I typically choose holiday weekends when many of you are also traveling or I most often pick a 5th Sunday, which allows me to miss only morning services, since we do not have PM services on those days.
It is an honor to be your pastor, but I must admit that I believe since God chose to institute marriage in Eden before he established a church, it must be his plan for the covenant of marriage to honored above all else. I am striving to accomplish that task.
I hope you understand and embrace what God has revealed to Mandy and I. We live and breathe ministry and there are no time clocks that allow you to punch a card and go home for the night or weekend. Therefore, for the sanctity of marriage we have had to choose to consciously push the pause button from time-to-time. HPC has an incredible staff that will only get better with time and added responsibilty. They cover for us magnificently, which makes it even easier for us to get away and strengthen the bond between us and even our children. Thank you for your trust and for allowing me to first and foremost: lead my family.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
New Day Dawning
Stay tuned and we will keep you posted!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Elkhorn Baptist Church Youth Explosion
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What does a Politically Correct Sense of Humor look like?
The air is filled with perversion and vulgarity which should be
appalling yet it is permitted under the guise of 'Freedom of Speech'. However, at all costs we are politically correct in all other aspects of media to the point that we have silenced laughter--unless it is the
product of profanity-laced sexual innuendos. Yet, to derrogatively
speak of homosexuality as a lifestyle, humorous or not, is now career assasination.
Want to crack a joke about someone's culturally-influenced choices? Go for it, but prepare the next day for a suspension to be inforced by your employer.
My whole life I've been made fun because of my hillbilly vernacular. As well, my taste in food, the type of women I'm attracted to, my inherited southern drawl and even my choice of religion have each been humorously scrutinized at one point or another. This personal life history has led me to the opinion that while it can many times go to far, most often humorous discourse builds continuity as we strive to understand each other's culture.
I was once told, "Never let anyone laugh at you, always laugh with them." Possession and practice of this truth has kept me out of many fights and calmed my temper more times than I could ever count.
America, I humbly request that regardless of which culture you come from, stop taking yourself so seriously. Never should we empower rude humiliation, but each of us can surely realize that some things about our life choices and cultural backgrounds are simply humorous. If we fail to do so, the lines between us are only going to become broader
as we digest inwardly with sarcasm what we have the potential to embrace openly with humorous interaction.
Maybe the best thing we can learn to do is rather than evaluating what was said, we instead choose to evaluate the contextual spirit of the attempts at humor we are sure to encounter?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Candy Trail!!!
Statistics were hard to gather, but based on car counts, parking evaluation, and candy distibution there was no less than 800 and as many as 1,000 people on the property at one time for our most amazing Trunk-R-Treat to date.
I never imagined a traffic jam at the junction of Hwy 80 and the HPC entrance, but I have now seen and believe! Cars just kept coming... One of the ushers actually joked, "I feel like I'm in a giant-sized ant hill!"
To the community thank you so much for participating! To the HPC congregation thank you for bringing your children, grandkids and neighbors. Thanks as well to all the HPC staff and volunteers who worked so tirelessly and led so effectively. You were on your game last night and I have never been more excited about the potential within you and the destiny God has set before us!
I find myself already anxiously anticipating next year. Greater things are yet to come!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Candy Trail
We have added several new things as well as bringing back the classics:
Candy Trail
Candy Land
Hot Dogs, Marshmallows, & More!!!
Everything is Free and Everyone is Welcome!!!
The fun starts at 6pm!
You're welcome to bring candy for the kids if you would like... Cya there!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Russell County...
Once upon a time, I longed for the excitement of bright lights, busy highways, and high-caliber restaurants. Today, I sit in a Louisville waiting room with construction equipment beeping and banging in the background, still recovering from the mental trauma of yesterday's battle with traffic. (There's one black Corvette in particular, I look forward to never again drafting alongside.) Thus, let it be made official that I have no desire to hear the bustling, blaring, horn-blowing activity of this city or see this cold, rigid, unwelcoming skyline again any time soon.
Sure, there are things I sometimes wish Russell County served as home to: A Red Lobster or Sticky Fingers would be nice, but my waistline is better off without either of them. A mall would be appealing, but my wallet probably couldn't handle my wife's weekly visits. A spa would be relaxing, but I'm spoiled enough the way it is. A social club would bring connectivity, but I'm a loner anyways so its an unnecessary perk...
Ah... The lack of traffic each morning in Russell Springs is refreshing. An occasional blockage of my hurried pace on the Old Columbia Road can be navigated as I tailgate a Massey-Ferguson with my mind reflectively racing through the bordering fields. Guthrie's, The Cove, The Front Porch, Rowena's Landing--not five-star--but they have effectively faciliated a never dying appetite for more and a bulging waistline that increases its mass daily. Fred's and Kmart, I appreciate you. I walk in, I walk out--never wrestling seven people for a pack of razors. The Links is close enough to a social club for me. Do I golf? No, but the occasional golf cart excursion, while mocking the pitiful swings of my friends, has at times been like a drive through heaven. As for the spa, my neighbor has an above ground pool that I mischievously dive into when he's not home, so all is well...
Russell County, I'll be back on Wednesday afternoon and I may kiss your ground. You are surely missed by this man who has fallen head over heels in love with you...
And Oh by the way, Rowena's Landing, I'll have the Kentucky Fare, with golden-brown fried potatoes and an extra-side of counry ham... .
Friday, October 23, 2009
Kevin Knight

Although, I had not seen him in many years, I unexpectedly ran into him in a hotel lobby about a year ago and it was as though, for a few moments, we were back at youth camp laughing hysterically without giving any thought to any thing else going on around us...
Kevin's death has left a void no man can fill and my prayers are forever with the Knight family...
Here is a link detailing his battle with H1N1:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
HPC Logo Design
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
HPC: The Past, Present & Future...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Josh McDaniels
That said, it is not very often that I find inspiration from the happenings of NFL teams. However, I would recommend that you google a coach by the name of Josh McDaniels. You may already know his story, but if not, prepare to be inspired by a man who drew a line in the sand and made it clear that nothing would hinder his development of a team atmosphere--not even the star player...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Significant Church Network
SCN is a unique organization in their recognition of thriving rural America churches. I am looking forward to connecting with both new and old acquaintances.
God is moving in the US, despite popular consensus, and I believe rural churches will play a 'significant' role in the End-time Harvest.
I appreciate your prayerful support of this gathering as small-town pastors come together for the cause of Christ.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tonight @ HPC!
For more information about Ashley & LifeGate Church visit
Saturday, October 17, 2009
WAR Revival
Service will start at 6pm CDT.
Ronnie Loy & Family
The arrangements are at Wilson Funeral Home in Russell Springs. Visitation is at 4 tonight and the funeral is at 1pm tomorrow.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Casey County Disaster Relief

If you would like to contribute you can drop off your items at Higher Praise Church between 10am-3pm or before and after services. Financial contributions can be mailed directly to:
PO Box 127
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Casey County Tornado

Building Update: List of Partners during the Construction Process
General Contractor
Hilpp Construction, Inc. (Lebanon, KY)
Pyles Excavating, Inc. (Columbia, KY)
Site Clearing, Logging, & Eqpt Provision
Jeff Meeks Logging (Liberty, KY)
Kentucky Tie & Lumber (Columbia, KY)
Tarter Gate (Dunnville, KY)
Architectural Services & Construction Consultation
Central Kentucky Design, Inc. (Berea, KY)
Ken Koehler, AIA (Louisville, KY)
Wooldridge Design Services, Inc. (Stanford, KY)
South Central Design, Inc. (Columbia, KY)
Owen's Construction, Inc, (Windsor, KY)
Dale Roy (Columbia, KY)
Financial Services
First National Bank (Russell Springs, KY)
Wade's Appraisals (Russell Springs, KY)
Jeff Loy Legal Services (Russell Springs, KY)
Also, below is a list of the men who serve on HPC's Administrative Team. They have been given the responsibility of making the day-to-day decisions during the construction process, with Donnie Gilbert having been appointed by this team as HPC's representative during consultation and negotiation.
HPC Administrative Team
Donnie Gilbert
JW Hendrickson
Dale Curry
KJ Burton
Aaron Sharlow
HPC logo
And yes, once this new logo is debuted we will stick with it for a very long time... :)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Great Weekend
The corporate gatherings were awesome this weekend and I was quickly reminded of why I miss this place so much when I have to be gone. Actually, it never fails that after I am gone for a week to travel in evangelism, I will tell Mandy upon our return that I'm not going to schedule anything else for a long time. It just seems that I always in the end mysteriously break my pledge. Undoubtedly, it is a healthy failure though, because it reminds me to appreciate what God has given us at HPC...
Sunday morning you were challenged to embrace each other in the Spirit of Christ's unity. You have already been doing this and I know you will continue to do so. The message was pro-active rather than re-active. Simply put, my desire Sunday was not to challenge you to START loving one another, but rather to KEEP loving one another. So often, we as preachers respond after the damage is done rather than to prepare people in preventative way. My vision is to prevent, rather than to respond. May you see hell's plot before it arrives at your doorstep and by doing so may you be able to avoid the pitfalls of so many who have gone before you...
Thank you for engaging in worship Sunday night. Wow! What a service... Its been a long time since I danced... lol
Friday, October 9, 2009
Claytor Lake State Park
We found it by accident and were enjoying our hidden treasure. Walking, playing, relaxing…
Then…… Natalie yells SNAKE!!! And for a moment chaos insued… However, after Big Daddy arrived all returned to normal and serenity once again ruled the environment.
We continued our journey with a walk through the park and discovered an amazing white sand beach surrounded by large shade trees. Truly, life was grand as we scouted the place where a future Gilbert vacation is sure to occur some day.
Then……. We walk back to the car only to find a flat tire…
Yep, the Gilberts have arrived in Pulaski County, VA and we are leaving our mark. From snakes to flat tires, we do know how to disturb the calm in any atmosphere! LOL
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Beyond Ridiculous
I was searching for some books on my list and she was doing the same. BaM stores have a children's section, complete with toys, so we let the kids have fun with the trains while we continued our searches. During one of my journeys to check on them, I noticed Dawson had picked out a comic book for himself. It looked innocent enough and I legitimately thought Mandy had approved the selection so I placed it on top of her stack of books. She glanced at it and said, "Where did this come from?"
My response was, "I thought you let him have it."
She informed me that she had never seen it before. Flipping through the pages, Mandy then abruptly threw the book! I picked it up, to find that it was a pornographic comic book filled with Sci-Fi beastiality. Within its pages were some of the most gruesome images I have ever seen and I was staggered to realize my two-year old son had been innocently digesting its pages.
Someone with beyond ridiculous intentions had placed a perverse comic book in the children's section and my son had stumbled across it. To say I was mad was an understatement, but I believe Mandy's temperature level topped even my own. The anger was too late though, the incident had already transpired and as a result we learned a valuable lesson about constantly filtering the things which our kids pick up--even in the believed safe zone a of children's book section. The enemy is ever waiting to steal, kill and destroy.
BaM should be more intentional about wrapping adult-content books in some type of seal that would prevent innocent intake of their filth, but until they do the responsibility of our children's purity rests on the watchful eye of us parents...
For certain a lesson has been learned by this father...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Some Things Never Change...
Then when we went to settle up with the cashier things took an interesting turn. The lady appeared to confuse her counting when figuring up my change from a $100 bill. After a couple of failed counting attempts she declared she didn't have enough small bills to give me what I was owed. She then petitioned a nearby waitress to make up the difference. The waitress gave her the amount she requested and then the cashier handed me an insufficient amount of money while saying she had already given me $20 at the start of her counting attempts. I told her she hadn't. She insisted that she had. So, with a busy restaurant, two wild kids and a full belly I thought maybe I actually was the one confused. I took her word for it and headed to the car. Once there I then realized a $20 cash deposit at the time of reservation had not been applied to my bill. I counted my money and was amazed to find that in fact I was missing not just $20, but $40!
Now here's where it gets interesting... Yesterday, we went back to this restaurant on our way to Virginia and amazingly the exact--I mean exact--same scenario unfolded with the same cashier, only with different numbers!!!
I had hoped the first time was an innocent mistake in a busy restaurant. However, I am now forever convinced it is an ingenious scam: play dumb, deflect attention, challenge your victim's memory and then stick it to them...
I will not name the restaurant for obvious reasons but I would advise you to be careful with your money in Sevierville, TN when eating at restaurants that specialize in BBQ and Southern Gospel music... ;)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
International GO Team
They will be in Mozambique, South Africa during the next week doing mission work in slums and conducting revival services.
New Village Church
For more info please visit
Monday, October 5, 2009
Jon & Kate
Kate is obviously more media savvy than Jon, but I sense she has two personas. One private, one public. He on the other hand comes across as having a very public mid-life crisis while taking counsel from what must evidentally be a ridiculously greedy legal team.
My prayerful concern is that sometimes we view reality tv families as larger than life. It's as though they are in actuality fictional characters. While there may be some scripting in certain aspects of their lives for the purpose of good tv we must realize that in the end there are still souls hanging in the balance.
In the case of Jon & Kate, eight very special kids need a prayer covering. As well, their celebrity parents need a spiritual breakthrough of Biblical proportions...
May God re-establish Himself in the center of the Gosselin's home and may His spirit of reconciliation be stirred within their hearts...
iHarvest Capital Campaign

Friday, October 2, 2009
Rise Up Sermon Series

Be sure to check out the last three messages from this series... We've been getting lots of feed-back about hearts being stirred to Rise Up! The sermons will be posted online soon at however you can also call the office and purchase a CD for $3.
Burnside Church of God
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Busy Week
I started the week in Rome, GA with Mandy for a Shepherd's Care Retreat at Winshape Retreat Center on the campus of Berry College. It is a phenomenal place. I kept feeling as though I was walking through the set of the movie "The Village". Winshape is leased by Truett Cathy (the owner of Chick-fil-a) from the college and is situated on a hillside in the middle of 26,000 acres. Be sure and browse their website as I fully intend to begin an attempt to schedule some time there for HPC's Lead Team. We'll see if we can make it happen...
We left Rome on Tuesday at lunch in order to be with Bishop Smith at The River in Nashville later that evening. Billy Wilson was finishing out his 4-service revival and we sincerely had a great time. However, the prayer gathering in the Green Room after the service may have been even more significant for Mandy and I, as Billy declared a word over our life. I have to say that there are few places on earth like, The River. God has truly blessed Nashville with a wonderful church. The River is rising!
While there I did have a very unique experience... Jared Harrison a member of the praise band, and a songwriter in Nashville, shared a song with me he has written from inspiration he received via a message I preached at The River last year. Its a very good song. I really like the style and sound of it. He's a very talented guy who also provided the vocals for the demo track. (I tried to upload a link to the song unsuccessfully. So, look for it in a later post.)
We finished our journey on Wednesday in Louisville with an architectural meeting regarding the new facility. I was given a sketch of the front elevation which has been tweeked a bit from the 3-D rendering everyone has seen and it looks better than ever. I'm getting more excited every day!
Tonight I will continue our new series 'Rise Up!' I will be talking about 3 specific people surrounding you that you should never overlook as you "Rise Up!"
Friday, September 11, 2009
Let's Roll!

On September 11, 2001 when terrorists were attempting to turn commercial airplanes into torpedo-like missiles, and having already struck the World Trade Centers, one man rose out fear into action.
The result was that thousands of lives may have been saved. Undoubtedly, the terrorists aboard Flight 93 intended to torpedo the aircraft into a building of national signficance, instead Beamer and his commrades brought the plane down in a vacant field.
Jesus said if any man seeks to save his life then he will lose it, but if he loses it then he will find life. Let us then crash our fleshly agendas at the foot of Christ's cross that we may arise with one final declaration, "Let's Roll!"
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Lost Years
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Building Update
The excavation basically came to a stand still as the guys had to go finish another job. However, we did sale the last of the logs from the timber we cut and several loads of them were moved to the log yard this weekend.
I expect everything to swing into full motion again next week.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Shhh... Something Good is About to Happen!
Do you continue to speak even when you sense something inside of you telling you to just be quiet?
Do you find yourself constantly complaining about everything from the service at the restaurant to the temperature in the church building?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions it may be time for you to just sit down and listen...
James said, "Be swift to hear but slow to speak". But he was also quick to point out that it would not be easy. Yet still, I believe one of his most profound statements on the subject was that blessing and cursing ought not to proceed out of the same mouth.
How often do you find yourself speaking well of one thing only to without mercy criticize your next subject? It is true that some things warrant criticism, but most of us rarely say anything constructive even when we do find something that needs to be corrected. Instead, we just complain.
In Joshua 6:10, the Hebrew people are called together and told to be quiet for six days. Why? Was it just a test of their level of obedience?
I believe the main reason Joshua told them to be quiet is because he had experience dealing with people on the verge of destiny, but facing formidable foes.
Moses had led the people out of Egyptian bondage with Joshua by his side. However, when they arrived at their Promised Land, before God could work a miracle on their behalf, Numbers 14 says that the Jewish people began to complain to the point that God was so upset with them that He almost killed them all. FYI: God does not like complainers!
From the past experience of Numbers 14, Joshua knew that if he allowed the people to continue to talk then they were sure to begin to criticize how ridiculous what they were doing actually was.
Can't you just hear them now:
"Why are we wasting time walking around these walks without weapons?"
"Doesn't Joshua know this is tiresome, walking around and around this city? And of all things, the Jericho people are laughing at us!"
"This is a disaster waiting to happen... We are all going to die! Jericho is the most fortified city in this part of the world and here we are walking around it in circles... What's he going to suggest next? That we, huff and puff and blow the walls down?"
Joshua recognized the potential for his people to say all of the above and more, so he simply commanded them to be quiet. The result? They did not have the opportunity to complain their way out of the miraculous and on the seventh day something good happened! The walls of Jericho came down and the rest is history...
Morale of my rambling: Shhhh! Stop complaining. Something good is about to happen!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Hour of Prayer
We will be petitioning God through prayer for His will to be accomplished in the life of our church. I feel so strongly about today's endeavor that I have scheduled several hours to be there myself and do nothing but pray.
I hope to see you there...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Building Update
Excitement and expectancy fill the air as we continue to make room for the Harvest. I can't seem to take my eyes off the dozers. I feel like I'm in a dream. We have waited so long and fought so hard, but once again God has proven His faithfulness.
We are shooting for a first service date of Easter Sunday 2010. However, there are many things that have to fall into place in order for that to happen.
Thanks for your continued prayers. The Threshing Floor (A Place for the Harvest) is now officially being prepared!
FYI: You can follow the building project by becoming a fan of Higher Praise Church on Facebook. Just search for 'Higher Praise Church' once you log into your Facebook account.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Prayer Request Update
Alek cleared all of his tests (spinal meningitis has been completely ruled out) and he is back home being all boy!
Thanks again for your prayers.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Building Update
I am excited to report that your prayers worked! The wheels are now in motion as never before. As of this morning I have already heard from the general contractor, excavator, architect, and the Dept. of Transportation!
The news is good. Very good! We have received: the encroachment approval to build a new entrance onto Hwy. 80; the septic inspection and sprinkler system water flow tests are both scheduled to be conducted this week; the architect will complete the front and side elevation drawings by Friday; and excavation will begin within two weeks if weather will cooperate!
A Threshing Floor (a place for the harvest) will be raised up for the Lake Cumberland and Green River regions and the time is now!
Thank you for your continued dedication to prayer and fasting on behalf of this project.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Prayer Request
Obviously, our family is very concerned and we covet any prayers you could offer on Alec's behalf.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Voicemail Difficulties
On behalf of myself and the rest of the HPC leadership I would like to apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered as a result of our unintentional lack of response.
Feel free to contact us again as we believe the setting has been corrected in the voicemail system and we will now be better able to serve.
Thank you for your understanding...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Verbal Agreement
We have arrived at a verbal agreement with a general contractor for the construction of our new facility.
This week we will attempt to now establish a written contract. I appreciate your continued prayers and support.
I will do my best to keep you posted. If you haven't already, sign up to follow me on Twitter and you will have instant info and updates all throughout the week...
Monday, June 29, 2009
The River (Nashville, TN)
For directions and service times visit
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
If you're not familiar with how to subscribe to a podcast then here is a step-by-step guide to having your computer automatically download weekly sermons, so that you can listen to them from your desktop, laptop or mp3 player...
- Download iTunes to your computer from
- If you already have iTunes (or once it is installed) click on the "iTunes Store" link in your iTunes browser. It will be located on the left side of the page.
- In the search bar, which is located in the upper-right hand corner, type "Higher Praise Church" and press enter.
- On the left side of the page you will see "Higher Praise Church" with a "Subscribe" tab located beside it.
- Click "Subscribe".
- On the left side of your iTunes browser click the "Podcast" link.
- Choose the "Higher Praise Church" icon.
- At the top of the page click the "Get All" tab. All past sermons will begin to download and all future sermons will also automatically download to your computer when you open iTunes.
- Connect your mp3 and sync with iTunes to begin listening to sermons on the go or simply listen from your computer.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Father's Day Week
Kid's Crusade (Monday-Thursday @ 6pm) Our regular Thursday night service will be replaced by a graduation ceremony and Cook-out for the kids!
Annual Fishing Tournament @ Adair County Sportsman's Lodge (Saturday @ 8am)
Biker's Sunday on Father's Day with a Cook-out to follow the 11am service and don't forget the Bike Show @ 10:30am. We will not be having a PM service. (I will be preaching at 9am and Roy Ellis will be preaching at 11am)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Vintage Christianity
Desperate, I searched online. Finally, Google led me to my coveted jeans! Only these couldn't be my jeans. $176? No way! Then I saw the detail that explained everything: "VINTAGE". This earth-shattering word was then followed by a bold sales pitch, "Buy these hard-to-find discontinued Levi jeans while supplies last!!!"
Vintage? Webster defines this extremely pricey adjective as, "the highest quality of a past time." I knew I had good taste! And while I really want a new pair of my favorite jeans I am not inclined to spend over $175 for them. But, realizing the meaning of the word vintage has put me on chase for another kind of vintage item. No, not a fine wine. (Having no background in wine consumption I wouldn't know the good from the bad.) I am in search of something fair more expensive--Vintage Christianity.
I read the Book of Acts and am left to wonder where is that Church at? Where are the men and women who will forsake all at the cost of their own pride to walk in the Spirit of Christ?
Most churches today specialize in quantity not quality. We have mulitple services and locations but we are far from the standard set before us in the Church of Acts.
"The highest quality of a past time..." Never has the Church been more potent than in the hour in which the New Testament was being lived. However, I refuse to believe it is the will of heaven for the Church of 2009 to be powerlessly weak and anemic. As the Apostle Paul so clearly defined, "Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."
May we embark together on a journey to return to the discarded values of the past and advance within the earth a Church that lives up to its heritage.
May we become the fulfillment of Vintage Christianity. But, remember it will not come cheap... And money can not buy it. This type of Christianity is purchased first by Christ's blood and secondly by the sacrifice of pride-killing holy lifestyles as we take up our own cross and follow Jesus' example.
I challenge you to dive into the Book of Acts as we travel through the pages of this incredible testimonial during the month of June at Higher Praise...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Follow Me on Twitter

If you would like to keep up with me throughout the day... Probably would be a boring journey for most of you, but if you're interested in hearing the happenings regarding the building project and the growth of HPC you may due so by signing up for twitter.
You can directly access my page and beginning following by visiting : and/or the church events at
FYI, you can receive the updates straight to your cell phone by enabling the mobile devices feature...
Have fun with your tweets! LOL
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thanks for Understanding...
As a result of this process it is now very hard to reach me via the phone or even through the church office. I appreciate your understanding during this very hectic time.
If you do have a ministry need we have a phenomenal staff at HPC that is available to you. The Leadership and Family Ministry Teams are ready and waiting to facilitate your needs.
Feel free to reach out for support by contacting the church office at 270-866-8811 or
Thank you for your patient understanding during this moment of destiny for Higher Praise Church. You could probably never know how much I look forward to not being distracted from the opportuntiy to connect and build relationships with you!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Pressing On!
I had quite an experience this week. While touring a facility with a contractor I became so overwhelmed by an illness I have been battling that I found myself unexpectedly kneeling on the floor, in an unsuccessful attempt to alleviate pain. It made for an awkward moment, to say the least... :)
After reading your blogs, prayer requests and emails, as well as, hearing reports from the church office I realize that I am not the only one facing adversity. One of you even described it to me this way, "Every time I defeat one devil I am immediately facing another attack..."
My encouragement to you is: do not give up! Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Its God's word to each of us. Refuse to give in, up or out. The enemy has no answer for those who endure to the end, because they shall be saved!
Look to the hills of the Lord's glory, for your help is coming. Angels have not only been dispatched on your behalf, they are already encamped around you. 1,000 people may fall to the wayside on your left and 10,000 may fall to your right, but you will stand, because your God is for you! He is with you. He's never left you. And He will never forsake you.
Never cease to remember that even if a weapon is formed against you, in the end it will not prosper.
I'm praying for you. I know you will do the same for me. In faith-filled agreement we will not only weather this storm, but we will ultimately walk on the waters hell sent to drown us!
"From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom suffereth violence and violent take it be force. " (Matthew 11:12)
"For from John until now, the Kingdom is preached and every man presseth into it." (Luke 16:16)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
National Day of Prayer
Today is National Day of Prayer and I have a revelatory teaching to share with you on the subject during tonight's service at 7pm.
I look forward to seeking the face of Christ with you as we birth heaven into earth through prayer...
-- Post From My iPhone
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Building Update
The timber has been cut. Even the huge oak trees in front of the old house were taken down today. It was hard to watch such beautiful products of nature be disfigured but we must continue to expand our borders.
As well, the engineers have finished their TOPO of the property. The architect is placing the building on the engineers' drawings and sometime in June the excavators are expected to arrive and begin preparing the pad and new parking lots...
On Thursday I will be having a significant meeting with the contractors. Much will be learned and possibly decided upon. I covet your continued prayers...
If possible fast a day this week as we position ourselves for an impartation of wisdom and heaven's vision for this ministry.
HPC, I love ya! You are an incredible group of people. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Trinity Methodist Church Revival
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Once again you proved what an incredible fellowship of believers you are as you gathered together to find needs and meet them at the Adair Co. Fairgrounds on Saturday!
From performing as clowns to changing oil you were amazing in your teamwork. Some of you cut hair, others gave medical screenings, still others served plate lunches or cooked food, while several parked cars and the truly brave helped keep order in the Kid's Zone. The list seems to go on and on from distributing free clothes to praying with people to washing and parking cars!
Simply put, Captivate '09 was an unforgettable day that I believe reminded all of us how important it is to be generous. Jesus was right when he said it is more blessed to give than to receive!
Thanks for all you do to shine the light of Jesus in the Lake Cumberland and Green River regions.
Making Genorosity Contagious,
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Passion Weekend
Our service schedule at HPC will be as follows:
Communion Service
Holy Week w/Fairview Church (@ their location)
12-hour Prayer (Everyone Welcome)
7am - 7pm
Sunday Sunrise
Power-Up (Leadership, Usher and Hospitality Teams Only)
Sunday Morning
Easter Services & Illustrated Message
9am & 11am
Sunday Night
Ground-breaking Ceremony for New Facility (Pot-Luck Meal)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
RK Vision
Its staggering to think that statistics have proven that most churches have an almost complete turn-over every seven years!
With this in mind I feel as though I have heard God speak something to me, "Reach them and KEEP them..."
Its easy to focus on reaching people, however it requires a different strategy to keep people plugged-in and connected. As a result, we are launching RK Vison: Reach Them & Keep Them. The focus of this new approach will be to not just make converts, but to follow the command of Christ and make disciples.
You'll be hearing much more about this in the coming days...
I covet your continued prayers as we make the vision a reality!
Friday, March 27, 2009
This Weekend
This Sunday (March 29th) Pastor KJ will be preaching at both the 9am & 11am services. I will be preaching in Madisonville, KY at Christian Assembly, then Mandy and I, alongside the kids will head to one of western Kentucky's state parks for a couple of days of rest.
However, we've not even left yet and we are already looking forward to returning as we prepare for a very signifcant April!
Cya April 2nd!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday Night: There's Something Bigger Going On...
I encourage you to continue your dedication to prayer, fasting and holy living. We have heaven's attention. Hell is shaking. The enemy is not nearly as mad as he is nervous. Rest assured, the king of darkness is fully aware of the fact that, "There's something bigger going on..." Bigger than a man, a church, or a denomination.
As we tear down the veil of our arrogant fleshly ambition, we are experiencing the unveiling of God's glory. Thus, ever so gradually as we passionately draw nigh unto God, He is doing exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could ask or think!
It has yet to enter into the heart of man, those things which God has for those who love Him and walk in the calling of His purpose for their lives. You and I were made to worship. It is the central purpose for which we were created. May God help us to see who we were meant to be: Lovers of God ruled by a holy ambition to know Him more today than yesterday. May He furthermore grant each of us the grace to walk in the reality that when the false brilliance of vain living fades away everything is ultimately about something bigger than us.
It was Jesus, himself, who left us with this promise, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and then "everything" else shall be added unto you." In other words, when seeking something bigger than yourself make sure the search is focused on first and foremost finding God. In so doing Jesus promises that everything we need will be added to us by default. It seems my problem tends to be a constant struggle to seek everything but God, first. My priorities become reversed. But as never before I am ready for there to be something BIGGER than the mundane life of Eric Gilbert going on!
It is my prayer that in our lives Christ's will be done, His Kingdom come. May the God of all creation, exceedingly great, mighty and strong, reveal Himself in unprecendented capacity. May the knowledge of His glory cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. May we all look to the heavens with anxious assurance that there's something bigger than man's traditions, philosophies, and ideologies going on...
Ultimately, may we come to see the sum total of all things bigger than us. For Eternity, the incomprehensible home of God, is without parallel larger than our feeble residency in Time and for ten thousand upon ten thousand years it is going on. Let us therefore now align ourselves with Eternity's chief resident as we invest in a big Tomorrow that never ends, by giving God our Today.................
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pickett's Chapel Methodist Church
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
This Sunday...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
When Love Comes to Town...
I was a sailor, I was lost at sea, I was under the waves, Before love rescued me, I was a fighter, I could turn on a thread, Now I stand accused of the things I've said...
I used to make love under a red sunset, I was making promises I would soon forget, She was pale as the lace of her wedding gown, But I left her standing before love came to town...
I ran into a juke joint when I heard a guitar scream, The notes were turning blue, I was dazing in a dream, As the music played I saw my life turn around, That was the day before love came to town...
I was there when they crucified my Lord, I held the scabbard when the soldier drew his sword, I threw the dice when they pierced his side, But I've seen love conquer the great divide...
When love comes to town I'm gonna catch that train, When love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flame, Maybe I was wrong to ever let you down, But I did what I did before love came to town!
Check it out:
(Lyrics from "When Love Comes to Town" written by Bono)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Who is Shamgar?
Shamgar's Biblical story was brought to my attention while I was recently reading a book that had been suggested to me by a friend. (Yes, Steve W. I did finally break over and buy the hard-back version LOL).
Shamgar was a simple farmer who was sick and tired of being sick and tired... Been there? Me too. Not a fun place of existence, is it?
Armed with only an oxgoad (a 7-ft pole, with a sharp point on the end, used to motivate oxen to continue to plow or move forward) this unimposing man made a decision to combat 600 Philistines. No one else wanted to fight. He had no professional military training. He had no stereo-typical weapons. He was outnumbered 600 to 1 and yet Shamgar was determined to combat the enemy by doing 3 things:
- Start where he was
- Use what he had
- Do what he could
Simple enough. Now, in all of the simplicity of Shamgar's approach, isn't it amazing to think that if each of us would apply those three things to our life God could accomplish incredible things through us?
You don't have to have lots of influence. You don't even have to have the support of your peers. Stop looking at how overwhelming the end result of your desired destiny will be and start where you are, use the resources presently available to you, and do what you can. After all, when it comes to serving God the greatest ability is availability!
You will be amazed at the results and I can't wait to hear your story!
(Works cited: "Believe That You Can" by Jentezen Franklin)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Building Update...
The vision is beginning to really unfold now and my heart is anxious with both expectancy and excitement!
Please continue to undergird this endeavor with prayer, as we must never forget that unless the Lord build the house, those that build it labor in vain...
Monday, January 12, 2009
The concept of always advance, never retreat was birthed from the ideology that we as Christians should never back away from the centuries old, on-going fight with hell. However, I believe this new way of thinking is somewhat unscriptural. Jesus made it clear that at times we simply must go away to a serene place. The Son of God, Himself, by example, set a standard of retreat. No, He did not ever give up enemy held territory, but He did on many occasions step away from the front lines of ministry for the sole purpose of being alone with the Father. Today, most of us seem to run to the crowds and ironically in the Gospels, Jesus always seemed to be running from them! This reality alone, leads me to the conclusion that it is not a bad thing to retreat to a place of solitude.
I actually believe my experiences during the last eight years of full-time ministry have taught me that without frequent retreats there will never be any significant advance! Perhaps, that is why HPC has experienced its greatest season of growth during the last three years. Literally, we have gained more attendees in the last three years than we did in the previous five. Noticeably the growth began when we launched the strategy of taking the Leadership Team away for 3 to 4 days in January of each new year to spend time alone, prayerfully seeking Heaven's will for the earth. Please take note: When we began taking serious the concept of retreat we amazingly became more effective at advancing the Kingdom!
A large portion of the Leadership Team has thus retreated once again in 2009 to the mountains of Tennessee for a time of prayer and fellowship. It has been great up to this point and I have no doubt that it will continue to get better as we further disconnect from every day life and embrace the richness of God's presence in the solitude of a mountainview cabin.
Thank you for lifting us up. We are seeking the face of God, asking Him for imparted revelatory vision for the coming year and He is speaking!
Remember we are most assuredly going FORWARD in 2009, but perhaps it would be very beneficial to you to first step back and gather yourself in order to ultimately go where you need to go! Don't give up territory you have won in the Spirit, simply take a break. Maybe even take a day off of work so that you can finally get alone with God. Pour your heart out to Him and still the noise in your life so that you can listen intently to His response to your pleas for wisdom. You'll be glad you did! :)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Charles Dickens, The Prophet?
For the cause of Christianity the hour in which we live presents us with two distinct realities: 1.) Human society is as a whole far from God 2.) God has never been closer to earth.
Here is what I believe to be the significance of those two facts...
The moral decay of America has led to a downward spiral in every facet of society. It would therefore be easy to focus on the negative aspects of our current state. However, I see something different. I see a nation poised for revival. Every miracle starts with a problem and I will never believe that there are any aetheists in a foxhole. The time is now for the Harvest to be reaped! The more the ways of man collapse, the more apt they are to be open to the Gospel.
It is the best of times and yet still the worst of times... The rise of the antichrist has never been more possible and the coming of The Christ has never been more likely. The hot are getting hotter and the cold are getting colder. As David declared in his 83rd psalm, while his enemies were encompassed around him, "God will not be silent. He will not keep his peace. He will not be still!" The enemy may be reckoning havoc in unprecedented fashion, but God is always, ultimately, in control. For every hellish plot, there is already a heavenly plan in action. Satan does not act and then God re-act, it is vice-versus. The darker the hour, the more visible the light!
Heavenly Father, do not be silent. Do not keep your peace. Be still no longer, I humbly ask. For the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come." Manifest your light in this dark hour that all may see and know that you alone are the one true God.