I've never been a huge Charles Dickens fan, but when he began his novel, "The Tale of Two Cities" with the infamous line, "It was the best of times and the worst of times...", I must admit that he uttered an ageless truth.
For the cause of Christianity the hour in which we live presents us with two distinct realities: 1.) Human society is as a whole far from God 2.) God has never been closer to earth.
Here is what I believe to be the significance of those two facts...
The moral decay of America has led to a downward spiral in every facet of society. It would therefore be easy to focus on the negative aspects of our current state. However, I see something different. I see a nation poised for revival. Every miracle starts with a problem and I will never believe that there are any aetheists in a foxhole. The time is now for the Harvest to be reaped! The more the ways of man collapse, the more apt they are to be open to the Gospel.
It is the best of times and yet still the worst of times... The rise of the antichrist has never been more possible and the coming of The Christ has never been more likely. The hot are getting hotter and the cold are getting colder. As David declared in his 83rd psalm, while his enemies were encompassed around him, "God will not be silent. He will not keep his peace. He will not be still!" The enemy may be reckoning havoc in unprecedented fashion, but God is always, ultimately, in control. For every hellish plot, there is already a heavenly plan in action. Satan does not act and then God re-act, it is vice-versus. The darker the hour, the more visible the light!
Heavenly Father, do not be silent. Do not keep your peace. Be still no longer, I humbly ask. For the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come." Manifest your light in this dark hour that all may see and know that you alone are the one true God.
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