Monday, October 12, 2009

Great Weekend

It was great to be home again at HPC!

The corporate gatherings were awesome this weekend and I was quickly reminded of why I miss this place so much when I have to be gone. Actually, it never fails that after I am gone for a week to travel in evangelism, I will tell Mandy upon our return that I'm not going to schedule anything else for a long time. It just seems that I always in the end mysteriously break my pledge. Undoubtedly, it is a healthy failure though, because it reminds me to appreciate what God has given us at HPC...

Sunday morning you were challenged to embrace each other in the Spirit of Christ's unity. You have already been doing this and I know you will continue to do so. The message was pro-active rather than re-active. Simply put, my desire Sunday was not to challenge you to START loving one another, but rather to KEEP loving one another. So often, we as preachers respond after the damage is done rather than to prepare people in preventative way. My vision is to prevent, rather than to respond. May you see hell's plot before it arrives at your doorstep and by doing so may you be able to avoid the pitfalls of so many who have gone before you...

Thank you for engaging in worship Sunday night. Wow! What a service... Its been a long time since I danced... lol

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