Friday, October 30, 2009

Candy Trail!!!

Absolutely incredible! Hundreds of kids joined us last night on the HPC hillside for an amazing time celebrating fun in Jesus...

Statistics were hard to gather, but based on car counts, parking evaluation, and candy distibution there was no less than 800 and as many as 1,000 people on the property at one time for our most amazing Trunk-R-Treat to date.

I never imagined a traffic jam at the junction of Hwy 80 and the HPC entrance, but I have now seen and believe! Cars just kept coming... One of the ushers actually joked, "I feel like I'm in a giant-sized ant hill!"

To the community thank you so much for participating! To the HPC congregation thank you for bringing your children, grandkids and neighbors. Thanks as well to all the HPC staff and volunteers who worked so tirelessly and led so effectively. You were on your game last night and I have never been more excited about the potential within you and the destiny God has set before us!

I find myself already anxiously anticipating next year. Greater things are yet to come!!!

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