Tuesday, October 21, 2008

There's Something Bigger Going On...

At some point a few years ago there was a significant shift in me. Before the shift I enjoyed pastoral ministry but I was more passionate about evangelistic ministry. Today I would have to say I am the exact opposite. I understand that I have a call on my life to fulfill certain evangelistic obligations but there is no place on earth I would rather preach than Higher Praise Church.

I believe the shift is in large part do to the release of a heaven-sent move of God to HPC. There is something in the the air! The atmosphere of expectancy is more electric than it has ever been before. Even before services you can sense that God is up to something and whatever it is one thing is for sure its big!

I am reminded of the prophetic song, "There's Something Bigger Going On..." Can you sense it? Feel it? Are you experiencing the same thing I am? I can't necessarily explain it, but I am most-assuredly experiencing God in a way that communicates very specifically to me that we are on the brink of the most significant release of the Holy Spirit's manifest presence we have ever encountered at Higher Praise Church!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Yes, before every service lately I feel an expectancy that something "big" is coming. Maybe it won't happen all in one service, maybe it is a bit at a time...but something is in the works. I agree. Every day I feel we are being prepared for things to come that we have yet to imagine.