Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Have You Lost "IT"?

I may have never been more upset with my father than I was in April of this year. I was complaining about the fact that no one was responding to my altar calls. Furthermore, I couldn't understand why no one seemed to be attentive while I was preaching or why HPC's worship services seemed to be so dry and dogmatic.

I'm not for sure why my father finally decided to say something--maybe he was simply tired of listening to me complain. Irregardless of why, when he did choose to speak Dad's input set the stage for one of the most pivotal moments in the history of my ministry.

Dad is a man of few words, so his discourse began only with a question, "Do you really want to know what's wrong?"

To which I unwittingly responded, "Yes"

Graciously, but authoritavely he responded, "Eric, you're not anointed anymore."

To say I was upset would be a significant under-statement. I was enraged that the man whose opinion I respected the most was essentially telling me I had lost it.

I kicked and screamed and dared him to ever say such a thing to me again. All the while, very rudely communicating to the man who brought me into this world that he had no idea the price I had paid to walk in the anointing.

My father's response to my temper tantrum would forever change my life. Ironically, it only took him eleven words to do it, "Eric, you used to pay the price, but you don't anymore."
I immediately came home and told Mandy what a jerk my dad had been to me. I complained to her for three days, during which I never spoke to my father. Finally, meek little Mandy :) had heard enough as well. My wife's input led me to a very clear understanding that I truly had lost it.

As a result, in the month of May I began a journey back to the discarded values of my past. I once again found how important it is be sensitive to the Spirit of convicition. The reason being: when you lose it you quickly discover that "IT" is a He and His name is Holy Spirit. You also quickly learn that the Holy Spirit does not release His anointing upon filthy hearts.

Have you lost it? If so, I promise you the God of grace will help you to find it again? You simply have to come to the reality that you have changed--not God...

I feel it it important that I also give a shout out to Terry Mahan from The Father's House (Lakeland, FL). I was in Fayetteville, NC during October 13-15 at Alva Wilson's Re-Eagle Conference and it was not until Terry shared his own personal testimony that I realized how to more effectively communicate what happened to me earlier this year. Thanks Terry for helping me to understand how important IT really is!

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