Tuesday, October 21, 2008

On the Road Again...

I do not have words to describe how happy I am to be home. I have been gone for an entire week traveling almost 2,000 miles in order to take part in a couple of conferences.

My first journey was to Alva Wilson's Re-Eagle Conference which was held at Breezewood Church in Fayetteville, NC. It was a great conference. The word was fresh as well as revelatory and the host church's hospitality was great. The Vines' family truly know how to do it right! They even let me preach a little on Tuesday night. :)

I drove all day Thursday so I could be in HPC's service that night and then I had meetings throughout the morning on Friday. I then left late Friday afternoon with our A/V team for Nashville where we attended an Audio Seminar. By the way, I attended the Audio Seminar for one reason and one reason only: I am not about to let Adam Cravens ever think he knows more than me!!! :P

So, I'm home with Mandy and the kids for a few days, but this is October and that means any time at home is short-lived as I will have to be gone Wednesday night, Friday night and Wednesday-Thursday of next week.

FYI: The reason October tends to put me on the road so much is because it is the last month of the year that I keep a full travel schedule. The end result being that a lot of stuff gets crammed into one 30-day period.

I covet your prayers and I trust you will continue to interceed on behalf of the Kingdom ministry I am attempting to walk in.

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