Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Truth in Love

Today is Wednesday.  It has great significance to me. Why? Because three weeks ago on a Wednesday night I was as blunt from the pulpit as I have ever been. Since that time I have been tormented in my mind--wondering if what I did was right?

My goal that night was simple:  awaken anyone that might be spiritually asleep.  I had spent the day in prayer. My heart was ablaze with a passion for Christ and HIS bride.  That passion came out during my message.  In retrospect I have re-listened to the message multiple times and re-played my choice of words in my mind over and over again. Prayerfully, I have arrived at a conclusion.

What I said was right.  The way I said it was wrong. I spoke truth.  I'm not so sure that I packaged it in love.  For that I am sorry.  (Not for the truth spoken, but for the way in which I spoke it.)  And not only do I ask the forgiveness of my congregation.  I publicly repent before God in Heaven for my lack of humility during that 30 minute period of time. 

The truth will set you free, but Scripture has obligated us to speak Scriptural truth in love. Additionally, faith comes by hearing truth and we hear through the foolishness of preaching. But, faith only works through love. (Scriptural References: John 8:32, Eph 4:15, Romans 10:17, Galatians 5:6) It becomes an order. Like so...  
  • For one to hear truth it must be spoken in love.  Once heard it will produce faith.  That faith will then make us free as we begin to pass on the imparted love to others. 
Our faith in Jesus works through the giving of love to others that was produced by first hearing of God's love for us! 
  • For God so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in HIM will not perish but have everlasting life... (John 3:16)
We are made in the image of God and God is love.  HE is also a consuming fire.  And multiple Biblical authors also make the statement, "God is holy." While others say things like, "God is everlasting." I believe HE exists as a God who is so purely in love with humanity that it is like a fiery, everlasting passion within HIS being. (I even believe the fire described in the eyes of Jesus in the Book of Revelation is the illustration of a love for HIS church.)  I said all of that to say this:  We are never more accurately reflecting the image of God than we express a pure, unconditional love for others!

Lake Cumberland region... 3 Trees Church... JESUS LOVES YOU AND I DO TOO!!!  Never have I more purely meant that statement...

Greater things are yet to come! 

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