Thursday, September 16, 2010

3 Trends Developing in America

On Tuesday of this week I had the opportunity to soak up the wisdom of Pastor Larry Stockstill at the Kentucky Prayer Focus gathering.  (Much thanks to Pastor Mark Harrel & the staff of Victory Christian Fellowship in Somerset, KY for hosting the event and for their hospitality.)

During Larry's message he shared 3 trends that several national leaders believe to be developing in America...

  1. America is moving away from CAPITALISM to SOCIALISM. The danger with this trend is that almost all socialistic states/nations are atheistic.  The reason being that in socialism the system itself attempts to do away with the need for God as the ultimate Supplier of ALL our needs.
  2. The Millennial Generation (anyone born after 1980) does not relate to a COUNTRY but rather a CAUSE. Patriotism is almost none existent in this generation because their allegiance is not pledged to the sacredness of a country but rather to the cause they most relate to. Meaning they would may times rather see an establishment destroyed than for their cause to not be accomplished.  They tend to always put relationships above principles.  If a principle would isolate them from a valued relationship then the principle must be abandoned. It is an odd state of mind... CAUSE above COUNTRY, but RELATIONSHIP above PRINCIPLE...
  3. Judges, not people, are setting our laws.  Case-in-point would be Proposition 8 in California.  Recently, popular vote disallowed gay marriages in California.  However, a few weeks later ONE JUDGE overturned a vote that had been determined by THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE, on the grounds that it was unconstitutional.  It is worth noting that the presiding judge is a practicing homosexual.  (For some interesting reading, google search: Proposition 8 Ruling #77)
May we prayerfully discern these trends and in response: 

  1. Pray for our government officials to see the dangers of socialism, specifically that it is driven by the spirit of the antichrist. 
  2. Pray for the Millennial Generation's ability to align themselves with Christ-centered causes.
  3. Pray for the judicial system of America to receive a heavenly impartation of wisdom.

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