A Scriptural thought that will not escape my mind, "What fellowship hath light with darkness?" This question was asked of the Church at Corinth by Paul in his second letter to them. I have had multiple conversations about the subject myself lately (a random thought about the Scripture which I posted on Facebook actually took a life of its own) and below I am including an email correspondence I had with someone recently on the same topic...
The enemy comes as an angel of light. He opens us up to things when they seem somewhat trivial, even good, and then he moves that which we have become attached to, toward a progressively dark place. Because it seemed OK to begin with, we many times ignore the conviction to remove ourselves when it is time to get out.
There is good and evil in the world; and both stand apart from Godly. Evil was on the tree in Eden, but so was good. You can eat of either and still be separated from God. Its not to say that you can't learn valuable life lessons without the specifics of the Gospel. It is to say that anytime we do not try to move people from compromised areas into pure Godly lifestyles we risk allowing the light in us to take up fellowship with darkness.
I understand the concept of using some elements of culture that have positive undertones--but are predominately dark--as a conversation piece to open a conversation about purity, but we must be careful to not leave out the need to help transition people away from anything that is not Christ-like.
Good magic, black magic, and demonic creatures of the dark fill some of culture's most popular genres today... What a man sows to so shall he reap. Very intriguing that Christians have time to read entire fictional series that are filled with worldly concepts but yet most have never read the Bible through. Priorities are out of kelter.
Relevance can be devastating to the salt of the word, when it becomes the foundation of what we are attempting to communicate rather than just a vehicle to reach our desired point. This much Scripture has made clear for us, "light hath no fellowship with darkness."
Thanks for reading. I welcome your comments. :)
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