The American Church, while feasting--without discretion--on all culture has to offer, has become a glutton at the table of relevance. The result is a generation of believers who live in shady places rather than being an easily distinguishable light unto the world.
Believing the lie of politically-oriented correctness, we are led to believe that we must PARTAKE in order to RELATE. However, Jesus lived a life without sin and yet seems most comfortable in Scripture when seated among sinners.
We find ourselves attempting to be relevant, motivated by the desire to relate to the world we are trying to reach. Now, the Holy Spirit pulls back the covers of our slumber to reveal that we are in bed with two mistresses: Relevance & Excellence. Both can be pure, but have in most cases become corrupt.
We have elevated our desire for the applause of man above our passion for the approval of heaven. Now priorities are out of kelter. We have become irreverent to our God and relevant to our culture.
Prophets have become parrots quoting the Scripture-twisting pirates of our society rather than decreeing the Truth. False freedom reigns as we raise up relevant churches absent the power of the Holy Spirit.
Bad religion holds to a form of godliness that leans toward Bible study and church attendance, amid formatted worship services, while ignoring the need for an actual relationship with the presence of God. This results in aborting the power of the God among us, according to the Apostle Paul. With a sincere desire to avoid an approach like unto the Pharisees, contemporary ministries have arrived with the intent to be breathtakingly moving, with unparralelled excellence. (In many instances offering for free on Sunday theatrical presentations that would cost $50 at a dinner theater on Saturday night.) However, is it possible that with good intentions we have accidentally produced a religion of relevance that is just as powerless as the Pharisees form of godliness?
Focused primarily on change and being different, have we ultimately become just a new-fangled version of that thing which we hate?
While different in method from traditional religious practices have we developed our own form of godliness?
Focusing primarily on good works and the tickling of man's ears have we forgotten the basic tenant of worship--holiness? (I.E. The Pslamist's commission to worship God in the beauty of holiness.)
In all of our fleshly attempts at relevance have we failed to heed James command, "abstain from even the appearance of evil..."?
I grieve with a repentant heart that we have simply ordained the unholy as acceptably relevant to our cultural times, in hope that no one will realize that we ourselves can not abide by the standard Christ has left for us to follow. Thus, disguising compromise as relevance we have lost clean hands, pure hearts, and renewed minds.
May God have mercy as thousands potentially experience false conversions, via enticing words and man's wisdom, into a religion of good works and culturally relevant concepts. Sadly, without sincere, reverent dedication of their lives to the will of the Lord of all, Jesus Christ.
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