Friday, December 3, 2010

Carmel on Fire

I'm not trying to be super-spiritual or overly prophetic, but I have to admit that when reviewing the news this morning I saw something that gave me cold chills. The area of Israel surrounding historic Mt. Carmel is ablaze with fire.  Thousands of acres burning beyond control...

Imagine the area where God once brought fire from heaven to earth, once more being engulfed with flames. Mt Carmel, the place of God's Old Testament outpouring, suddenly burning bright with a fire that man seems to be unable to stop!

Admittedly, this fire was started by men in the name of arson. However, knowing this fire is not supernatural in its nature does not change the spine-tingling feeling that comes over my soul when I compare the horrific images of today's fire with my mental pictures of Scripture's 1 Kings 18 account.

Here is the article detailing Israel's battle against the blaze. After you read it, please pray for rain and also for divine wisdom to be imparted to the undermanned firefighters:  Massive Fire in Carmel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

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