Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Church Name

A brief explanation of why we selected the new name 3trees for our church...


  1. We were no longer comfortable describing our praise as "higher". While the thought process behind our original name was never based in egotism, we came to realize that it could potentially be perceived that way.
  2. There arrived among our fellowship of believers an undeniable consensus of agreement that we needed to bring the cross of Jesus, in a much more visible way, to the forefront of our ministry.  

2,000 years ago in Jerusalem, the events surrounding three trees on a hillside changed the world. On one tree Jesus RELEASED grace. On the second tree a man REJECTED it, but on the third tree, grace was RECEIVED. The two men made different choices but both had to RESPOND to Jesus.

In 2010 and beyond, it is our most sincere prayer that from a hillside in Russell Springs, Kentucky, 3trees Church will be used of God to provoke a RECEPTIVE RESPONSE to the RELEASE of Jesus' grace, as we strive more than ever to move from just being a "Come and See" church to becoming a mobilized "Go and Tell" fellowship of believers!

We covet your prayers as we move forward with the most-focused vision we have ever had to plunder hell and populate heaven by the power of the Cross and Blood of Jesus.

May greater things come for the cause of Christ!

  • 3trees Church is a Spirit-empowered, Life-giving ministry that is connecting people to Jesus, while finding needs and meeting them.  For more info please visit:

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