Thursday, December 31, 2009

Leave 'IT' Behind and Begin Again

I had a good 2009, but it may have been my most stressful year ever.

I learned much and was changed in many ways. I saw the beginning of dreams birthed and long-held visions cast. However, I have walked out of 2009 and I am preparing to walk into 2010 with two principles in hand:

1) There are some things that I will leave behind in 2009

2) There are some things I will begin again in 2010

I challenge you to do the same as you reflect on 2009 and expectantly contemplate the year to come...

Everyone has an 'IT'. You don't even want to reference it by name but IT is a constant struggle. Often you think about how you can seemingly defeat every vice but IT. 2009 is your year to leave it behind!

Likewise, there are some things you know God had pricked your heart about. He has spoken clearly to you, that you need to be disciplined in specific areas, but you have faltered. You are no longer dedicated in those areas of your spiritual journey. I believe 2010 is your year to begin again, should you choose to take the initiative!

Leave IT behind in 2009 and Begin again in 2010!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Eric! Your message has struck a chord in me. I am working daily to improve but there is certainly an "it" to be left behind. Thanks again!
Leslie Morris

Jackie said...

Sounds like a plan to me!