Friday, September 11, 2009

Let's Roll!

Let's Roll!!!

The words are now infamous...

On September 11, 2001 when terrorists were attempting to turn commercial airplanes into torpedo-like missiles, and having already struck the World Trade Centers, one man rose out fear into action.

While flying over Pennsylvania on United Airlines Flight 93, Todd Beamer (pictured), husband and father of four, made a decision to not go down without a fight. While communicating with authorities via an in-flight satellite phone, as terrorists overtook the pilots and changed the flight pattern, he left the conversation and jumped into action with one final statement, "Let's Roll!"

The result was that thousands of lives may have been saved. Undoubtedly, the terrorists aboard Flight 93 intended to torpedo the aircraft into a building of national signficance, instead Beamer and his commrades brought the plane down in a vacant field.

You don't have to be Superman to be a hero. Laser vision and fists of steel are not required. You simply must make a decision that you will not go down without a fight! As a result, Todd Beamer is now a national hero with schools, community centers, and government institutions being named in his honor.

America stands at a pivotal momental. Morality is at an all-time low. We are asleep in Zion, slumbering with a seered conscience. However, men and women alike arising with a seldom seen tenacity to delcare, "Let's Roll!"

A decision is being collectively made that hell will not crash this great nation without a fight. Revival will still be stirred among saints and sinners alike. America will be awakened!

May we wipe the sleep from your eyes that we might climb out of our spiritual apathy, cleanse our hands and purify our hearts. Today is the day of our salvation and it is nearer than when we first believed. Hell must be plundered and heaven populated!

Jesus said if any man seeks to save his life then he will lose it, but if he loses it then he will find life. Let us then crash our fleshly agendas at the foot of Christ's cross that we may arise with one final declaration, "Let's Roll!"

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Lost Years

This month, as we celebrate 9 years of ministry at HPC, we will be diving into a new series entitled, "The Lost Years"... I'm more excited about it than any subject I've taken all year and I really believe it will "encourage the discouraged".

Cya Sunday!