Saturday, May 23, 2009

Follow Me on Twitter

If you would like to keep up with me throughout the day... Probably would be a boring journey for most of you, but if you're interested in hearing the happenings regarding the building project and the growth of HPC you may due so by signing up for twitter.

You can directly access my page and beginning following by visiting : and/or the church events at

FYI, you can receive the updates straight to your cell phone by enabling the mobile devices feature...

Have fun with your tweets! LOL

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thanks for Understanding...

As we move closer to finalizing a deal with a contractor I am having to be involved in more and more meetings and phone calls.

As a result of this process it is now very hard to reach me via the phone or even through the church office. I appreciate your understanding during this very hectic time.

If you do have a ministry need we have a phenomenal staff at HPC that is available to you. The Leadership and Family Ministry Teams are ready and waiting to facilitate your needs.

Feel free to reach out for support by contacting the church office at 270-866-8811 or

Thank you for your patient understanding during this moment of destiny for Higher Praise Church. You could probably never know how much I look forward to not being distracted from the opportuntiy to connect and build relationships with you!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pressing On!

I honestly believe you can determine the measure of your destiny by evaluating the level of adversity you have to overcome in order accomplish it.

I had quite an experience this week. While touring a facility with a contractor I became so overwhelmed by an illness I have been battling that I found myself unexpectedly kneeling on the floor, in an unsuccessful attempt to alleviate pain. It made for an awkward moment, to say the least... :)

After reading your blogs, prayer requests and emails, as well as, hearing reports from the church office I realize that I am not the only one facing adversity. One of you even described it to me this way, "Every time I defeat one devil I am immediately facing another attack..."

My encouragement to you is: do not give up! Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Its God's word to each of us. Refuse to give in, up or out. The enemy has no answer for those who endure to the end, because they shall be saved!

Look to the hills of the Lord's glory, for your help is coming. Angels have not only been dispatched on your behalf, they are already encamped around you. 1,000 people may fall to the wayside on your left and 10,000 may fall to your right, but you will stand, because your God is for you! He is with you. He's never left you. And He will never forsake you.
Never cease to remember that even if a weapon is formed against you, in the end it will not prosper.

I'm praying for you. I know you will do the same for me. In faith-filled agreement we will not only weather this storm, but we will ultimately walk on the waters hell sent to drown us!

"From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom suffereth violence and violent take it be force. "
(Matthew 11:12)

"For from John until now, the Kingdom is preached and every man presseth into it." (Luke 16:16)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Prayer

Today is National Day of Prayer and I have a revelatory teaching to share with you on the subject during tonight's service at 7pm.

I look forward to seeking the face of Christ with you as we birth heaven into earth through prayer...

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Building Update

We are getting closer............

The timber has been cut. Even the huge oak trees in front of the old house were taken down today. It was hard to watch such beautiful products of nature be disfigured but we must continue to expand our borders.

As well, the engineers have finished their TOPO of the property. The architect is placing the building on the engineers' drawings and sometime in June the excavators are expected to arrive and begin preparing the pad and new parking lots...

On Thursday I will be having a significant meeting with the contractors. Much will be learned and possibly decided upon. I covet your continued prayers...

If possible fast a day this week as we position ourselves for an impartation of wisdom and heaven's vision for this ministry.

HPC, I love ya! You are an incredible group of people. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.